Welcome to Fat Fables

Male Weight Gain Stories with a Twist!

Featured Stories

Big Ben

Ben is an unemployed slob who meets his dream boy. But is he taking advantage of his young lover?

5,000 words

Camp Shawn: Part One

Shawn's parents believe that they have sent him to weight loss camp. Boy are they in for a  big surprise!

25,000 words

Adam and Evan

Two aristocratic brothers share a secret passion for a young servant leading to conflict in the house.

10,000 words

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you give content/trigger warnings?

No. Apart from this one. I do not believe in trigger or content warnings for literature. There is evidence that these in themselves can be triggering especially for more vulnerable people. Literature is by its very nature a fundamentally dangerous and disquieting thing. That is what makes it interesting. (Bennet & Royle, 2023).

But this is gay erotic kink literature, right?

Yes it is. All fat fables contain an element of sexualised gay male weight gain and feederism. Certain stories include other associated kinks. Some but not all stories involve sex, violence, drugs, and other adult themes. Don't think you can stomach it? Then maybe gaining isn't for you.

How does Fat Fables differ from other weight gain stories online?

Most weight gain stories available online are simply designed to give you a boner. They are pure sexual fantasy. This is fine. Fat Fables attempts to add elements of humour, satire, critical thinking, and social commentary. All fables have a meaning. My aim is to give gainer fiction some deeper meaning whilst continuing to have fun thinking about growing bellies.

“Camp Shawn is like a crazy kinky Disney film directed by John Waters, full of fat flatulent teens, bad language and plenty of attitude to go with the big bellies. Imagine if Troma made porn!”

— Mr A. Nonymous


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About us

Fat Fables is a collection of gay male weight gain stories with a twist.

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